Cloudflare Page Frameworks
· 4 min read
Cloudflare provides a wonderful service called Cloudflare Pages for setting up simple, static websites. There are several options of popular frameworks to choose from. Here is a rundown and a reason for choosing one over the other.
1. Analog
- Choose Analog if you want to leverage the latest features of Angular in a streamlined static site generation (SSG) workflow.
2. Angular
- Choose Angular if you need a comprehensive, full-featured framework with robust tooling and TypeScript out-of-the-box for building large-scale applications.
3. Astro
- Choose Astro if you want to build highly performant, static-first websites with the flexibility to use components from multiple frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte.
4. Blazor
- Choose Blazor if you are comfortable with C# and want to build interactive web applications with a .NET-based framework.
5. Brunch
- Choose Brunch if you prefer a fast, ultra-simple build tool for front-end development without the complexity of larger frameworks.
6. Docusaurus
- Choose Docusaurus if you need an optimized framework for building documentation websites with minimal setup.
7. Elder.js
- Choose Elder.js if you are focused on SEO and want a highly performant SSG framework for building large, content-driven websites.
8. Eleventy
- Choose Eleventy if you prefer a simpler, more flexible static site generator that doesn�t lock you into a specific framework or technology.
9. Ember
- Choose Ember if you want a convention-over-configuration framework with strong opinions on structure, suitable for ambitious web applications.
10. Gatsby
- Choose Gatsby if you need a powerful static site generator with a robust plugin ecosystem and strong performance out of the box.
11. Gridsome
- Choose Gridsome if you prefer Vue.js for building static sites and want an easy-to-use, performant static site generator similar to Gatsby.
12. Hexo
- Choose Hexo if you want a fast, simple blogging framework with a rich plugin system.
13. Hono
- Choose Hono if you are looking for a small and ultrafast web framework optimized for serverless environments.
14. Hugo
- Choose Hugo if you need an extremely fast static site generator with a simple setup, perfect for building large content-heavy websites.
15. Jekyll
- Choose Jekyll if you prefer a Ruby-based static site generator with strong support from GitHub Pages.
16. MkDocs
- Choose MkDocs if you want a straightforward, Markdown-based tool specifically designed for creating documentation.
17. Next.js
- Choose Next.js if you need a React-based framework with powerful features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).
18. Nuxt
- Choose Nuxt if you prefer Vue.js and need an easy way to build server-rendered applications and static websites.
19. Pelican
- Choose Pelican if you are comfortable with Python and want a static site generator that is easy to set up and extend.
20. Preact
- Choose Preact if you want a lightweight alternative to React with similar syntax but smaller bundle sizes.
21. Qwik
- Choose Qwik if you need an ultra-fast front-end framework designed for instant loading and high performance.
22. React
- Choose React if you want a highly popular, flexible library for building dynamic user interfaces with a vast ecosystem of tools and resources.
23. Remix
- Choose Remix if you need a modern React framework focused on fast page loads and better user experience through progressive enhancement.
24. Solid
- Choose Solid if you want a fast, reactive framework with fine-grained reactivity and a syntax similar to React.
25. Sphinx
- Choose Sphinx if you are creating technical documentation and want a powerful, Python-based documentation generator.
26. Static HTML
- Choose Static HTML if you want complete control over your website's structure without any framework overhead.
27. Svelte
- Choose Svelte if you want a modern, compiler-based approach to building highly efficient web applications with minimal boilerplate.
28. Vite 3
- Choose Vite 3 if you need a fast, modern build tool that works well with various front-end frameworks, especially Vue.
29. VitePress
- Choose VitePress if you want to create documentation with a simple, Vue-powered static site generator.
30. Vue
- Choose Vue if you need an easy-to-learn, versatile framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.
31. Zola
- Choose Zola if you want a simple, fast static site generator written in Rust with a focus on performance and ease of use.